How do I use this guide?
Select the category you want, find the item you're looking for and refer to the worth and any notes.
While worths are based on trade reports, everyone has their own idea of how much items are worth. It's important to consult multiple resources, and discuss with your trading partner how they value both sides. Savvy is not an exhaustive resource and does not claim to be, so please use your best judgement!
What do the numbers represent?
Ever since Closed Beta, the Fer.al community has used Lockpicks as a tool to measure worth. While currently, it's very unlikely to be able to trade pure Lockpicks for an item above 100+ in worth - these trades did used to take place, with some trades involving thousands of Lockpicks for singular Closed Beta items, due to their scarcity and usefulness in Closed Beta.
In absence of a true tradeable currency, Lockpicks still serve as the valuing tool. In trading, you are generally expected to offer items that total the other player's item(s) by this value, whether you call it 'Lockpicks' or something else.
Example — If Person A is trading for Person B's item valued at 700, they could offer an item valued at 500 and another at 200.
Generally, as values become higher, players will prefer quality over quantity in their trades.
Why continue to use Lockpicks?
The community continues to use this method of valuing, so Savvy does too.
How do you value items?
For the initial launch of this site, existing worths will be polled in within the active trading community to establish the worths we have been using for the past year.
From then on, all value increases will be dependent on reported trades by the community. Want to add your own trades in there? Check our
Submit page!
What do you use for this site?
This site is hosted on Neocities, a free host for static web projects such as this one.
We use Bootstrap for the CSS framework, and Datatables and JQuery for the item tables on the main pages.
All values displayed are static and inputted manually, because using JS to populate them might just make your computer set on fire. Flaming Lotus, anybody?